Special education

Paras and remote learning data collection

How paraprofessionals can help teachers collect data on student behaviors and progress when students are engaged in distance learning

6 ways to teach SEL skills remotely

Creative ideas for addressing social-emotional learning to meet an IEP goal for a student with disabilities

2020 hindsight: Key decisions all special ed attorneys should know

Learn more about the upcoming School Attorney's Conference organized by Special Ed Connection, a DA sister publication.

New book offers guidance, tools to address needs of students with significant social, emotional, behavioral needs

Supporting Students With Intense Social, Emotional and Behavioral Challenges: The NEEDS-SEB Model details how to establish and maintain programming for students with intense social, emotional, and behavioral needs.

This state’s Board of Ed says no to fully remote instruction

The limitations to online learning are too great to overcome, say West Virginia officials. So on Tuesday, the directive to counties is to have no solely-at-home option.

New resource helps district avoid pitfalls in conducting virtual IDEA, Section 504 meetings

Conducting Virtual Meetings That Comply With the IDEA and Section 504 outlines everything you need to know to conduct virtual IEP meetings, Section 504 meetings, and manifestation determination reviews that are compliant with federal requirements.

Provide executive functioning lessons within tiered supports

Incorporating executive functioning skills training into schoolwide tiered supports can help students whose deficits in this area may be viewed as issues of behavior or discipline.

When private school students, there because of the pandemic, return

There are four actions school district personnel should take when parents of a student with disabilities who has been enrolled in a private school due to COVID decide to send the child back to public school.

Title IX rules, school choice mark DeVos’ ED legacy

Betsy DeVos, who resigned as education secretary Friday, supported limited federal involvement in education, promoted choice and offered flexibility during COVID.

5 ways to help students with disabilities who struggle with online learning

Interventions may include meeting with the student and parent, letting the student fidget, asking the student for help, offering incentives, and helping find an outside therapist if needed.

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