College & Career Readiness

FETC puts new CTE advancements in the spotlight

Texas' Forney ISD has crossed a new CTE frontier and its scope—and its 7,900-seat arena—may come as a big surprise.

Reasons high school graduation numbers will decline

By 2041, high school graduation numbers will decrease by 13%, exacerbating the pressures felt by colleges as they brace for an enrollment cliff.

Career exploration: How Washington schools are setting the course

New initiative allows districts to bridge the gaps in access to career exploration that aligns with student aspirations and meet the state's workforce needs.

TikTok teens are choosing colleges based on which campus offers the best video background

How did you pick a college: the academics, the cost, the campus? For today’s high schoolers, a new metric has entered the chat—how the college will look on TikTok.

Why early decision can be a college access equalizer

As concerns about minority enrollment at elite universities like Harvard and MIT grow following the Supreme Court's ban on affirmative action in college admissions, applying early decision to college can be a vehicle to sustain or potentially even increase minority enrollment.

How to integrate English training to unlock workforce potential

English learners are projected to make up at least 20% of the American workforce by 2025. And by 2027, a staggering 70% of jobs will require education beyond a high school diploma.

Reimagining Advanced Learning to Increase Equity and College Readiness

Date & Time: Wednesday, December 11 at 3 p.m. ET

In this Ed Talk, San Jose USD's superintendent will discuss her district’s strategies to expose a wider range of students to advanced coursework so they can develop the confidence and skills necessary to succeed in high school, college, and their career. Also, learn about the latest AP research and best practices from a former assistant superintendent and high school principal now at the non-profit College Board.

***Attendees will receive a series of resources to help support starting or expanding their AP Program and help all their students understand the value of taking AP.

These 15 states have the highest dual enrollment numbers. Why is this important?

Texas had nearly twice the number of dual-enrolled students in fall 2015 compared to the second-most, New York, according to new research from the Community College Research Center. But how did their completion rates fare?

ACT scores are still declining, new data shows

In the last five years, average composite ACT scores nationwide were the lowest among the 2024 graduating class at 19.4.

Full Fleet Electrification: How Steelton-Highspire’s Success Paves the Way for K-12 Districts

Date & Time: Tuesday, November 19 at 2 p.m. ET

In this Ed Talk, Superintendent Dr. Mick Iskric will discuss his district's journey to embrace electric buses to reduce long-term costs. He will be joined by Kevin King, Head of Electrification at First Student, who will explain how a flexible, rapid-deployment charging infrastructure helped Steelton-Highspire make electrification feasible and cost-effective, providing a blueprint for other districts facing similar challenges.

Confidence in college: Has it collapsed? Better think again

Americans have completely lost confidence in college. That's the common narrative in a seemingly never-ending scroll of media reports and surveys raising the alarms about falling enrollment and political controversies on campus.

Here are 5 keys for student success beyond high school

Recent history shows us that a concerted nationwide effort can improve students’ outcomes, such as the gains made in high school graduation rates over the past 20 years.

How politics are shaping high schoolers’ college choices

The political makeup of a college can determine your graduates' college choice. Here's how to guide them on their search.

Creating Learner Mobility Models for Students and Families in K-12 and Beyond

Date & Time: Thursday, October 24th at 2 pm ET

In this webinar, an assistant superintendent shares how Harnett County Schools creates and promotes lifelong learning for students in his district and after they graduate through family engagement, efficient administrative processes, higher ed and workforce collaborations, and information students can access after graduating.

***Attendees will be able to safely download resources about records, enrollment, and credential management tools from Scribbles Software and Parchment, an Instructure Company.

The Safety Cycle: Ensuring the Safety of Students from A to B and Back Again

Date & Time: Monday, October 21 at 2 p.m. ET

In this webinar, gain a fresh perspective on how to ensure the safety of your students while they're in transit beyond the safety features that have been installed on their buses. Learn proactive approaches and immediate steps to react quickly and effectively when the unexpected happens.

What will high school grads pursue if not college?

While 43% of Gen Zers would like to pursue options aside from a college degree, many of them don't have a clear picture of their postsecondary aspirations.

Micro-credentials have a place in K12. Here’s how to get started.

Micro-credentials can be awarded long before a student reaches college. In fact, they're a great way for leaders to ensure historically marginalized students earn employable skills and prerequisites.

Portrait of a graduate: 3 characteristics of a powerful tool

In the latest "Talking Out of School" podcast, an expert guides district leaders in developing a portrait of a graduate that offers students more more meaningful learning and durable skills.

Do college degrees lead to better jobs? Typically, yes

Although students' perspectives of college have changed, new research affirms that a bachelor's degree will be the best route to a good job by 2031.

CTE surge: Sixth grade is never too early for welding!

Michigan's Orchard View Pubic Schools is boosting engagement by sending sixth-graders to a local career tech center to begin exploring—and experiencing—a wide range of potential careers. 

Reimagining transportation: 3 ways to conquer chronic absenteeism

While potential solutions to the absenteeism crisis are varying and complex, perhaps the most basic is optimizing the way we get kids to and from school.

TGIF time-saver: More buses are going green; team teaching endorsed

New this week: Uvalde families of victims agreed on a $2 million settlement with the city, districts are getting major bus upgrades and team-based teaching might be the solution to shortages.

Why now is the time to get serious about financial literacy

Imagine if we taught math by mandating just a single semester-long course in high school. Or if we taught science by occasionally mentioning it in history classes. Yet, that’s exactly how financial literacy is taught in US schools—if it’s taught at all.

Dual enrollment: Expand it now to meet the needs of tomorrow

With tech-enabled classrooms, it’s time now to reimagine how we deliver dual enrollment to ensure more students benefit from these programs.

College vs. workforce prep: At which are schools more successful?

Less than half of all public schools rate themselves as doing "very good" or "excellent" in providing college preparation, according to new data.

3 takeaways from the launch of the digital SAT

In recent years, K12 education has gone increasingly digital, including test-taking. Here's what students and staff had to say after completing the digital SAT for the first time last weekend.

These pathways are launching high schools past a college-only mindset

When our high school used to offer a college tour, students and their parents signed up in droves. In contrast, when we offered an industry tour, the response was lukewarm at best.

Florida to bolster workforce development with $25 million grant

This additional funding is part of the $100 million awarded in August to school districts and higher education institutions across Florida to alleviate costs associated with creating or expanding career and technical education programs.

What leaders should know about the new digital SAT

It'll save students and educators about an hour of testing, for starters. Here's what The College Board told District Administration about the revamped exam.

How to determine the college and career-readiness of your school system

Ready to move forward? Focus on the student experience. Keep aligning instructional expectations toward real-world application. Personalize. Build partnerships. And make data-based decisions based on outcome data.

Buzzword watch: ‘Durable skills’ are the new soft skills

Soft skills nudged the phrase 21st century skills out of the K12 lexicon and now it's being replaced by this latest college-and-career-oriented buzzword: Durable skills.

Bus staffing and routing problems leave districts scrambling for solutions

North Carolina's Durham Public Schools was closed on Monday due to a lack of available drivers. Another district is potentially cutting routes dramatically to compensate for staff shortages.

Go beyond career-ready: Get ​​career active

K12's new approach to college and career readiness must be grounded in the three ‘ships’: mentorship, internship, and apprenticeship.

Video Q&A: How one superintendent launches students into better lives

In this video Q&A, Wisconsin Superintendent of the Year Mark Hansen covers his priorities: career-based learning, community engagement and early-college.

Non-degree pathways: Students and parents want to know more

Education leaders are encouraged to cover college and career options more comprehensively in middle school and offer more opportunities for parents to learn about post-graduation alternatives.