Assessment and standards

State report cards: Why some fail the transparency test

If parents do not have a complete picture of academic achievement, attendance and other crucial student success indicators, are state report cards on district performance to blame?

Cultivating Growth: How to Build a Positive Assessment Culture

Date & Time: Monday, September 30th at 2 pm ET

In this webinar, we’ll explore innovative approaches to creating a positive assessment culture where students take ownership of their learning, teachers receive meaningful data they can use to hone their craft, and administrators and teachers are aligned in elevating student success.

ACT slim down: A look at the big changes the test is making

The newly shortened exam is designed to provide greater flexibility for students, who now face fewer questions and can choose whether to complete the science section.

9 ways state tests could be more useful to teachers

Additionally, researchers from FutureEd argue a two-tiered approach to state testing could work. Here's what that looks like.

How to close learning gaps with a new assessment culture

Imagine a world where a young child’s comprehension of a text written by Dr. Seuss could predict whether they will graduate from high school more than a decade later. This may sound as nonsensical as a plot from Dr. Seuss himself, but it’s not a work of fiction.

Asset-based assessment can capture the magic of learning

The best assessment processes allow a learner to be measured alongside milestones of their own developmental trajectory, not in comparison to arbitrary—and potentially outdated—standards that may or may not reflect their unique, lived experiences.

Want to improve test scores? Remove these non-academic barriers

An alarming undercurrent to current academic declines is a rising tide of maladaptive behaviors across all student populations.

Report: Educators, focus on these 5 concepts to make testing fairer

Creators of standardized assessments tend to avoid cultural topics in their questions based on "fairness and colorblindness." That practice, however, may be making these sometimes high-stakes tests less fair for Black, Latino and other underrepresented students.

High-dosage tutoring is working. Here’s how to make it work better

A new analysis shares guidance on how leaders can best augment everyday classroom instruction with high-quality, high-dosage tutoring.

See which states have the highest standardized test scores

Do standardized test scores provide accurate forecasts of college or workforce success? As this debate rages, there's no question that school leaders have to pay attention to the results.

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