LRP Media Group

Find ways to design high quality instructional programs for students with significant needs

Serving Students With Severe and Multiple Disabilities: A Guide to Strategies for Successful Learning — Second Edition addresses how districts can provide instruction to enable students with severe and multiple disabilities to achieve consistent growth and progress.

New resource helps districts to manage ADHD, comply with Section 504

"Allegations of discrimination against students with ADHD are on the rise," said author Kelli Dreier, Esq. "This update is chock-full of new case law, strategies, best practices, forms, and tools staff need to ensure they meet their legal obligations under Section 504."

New resource helps districts prevent IEP, 504 plan implementation failures

IEP and 504 Plan Implementation Strategies for Compliance and Student Success outlines the major pitfalls that lead to costly implementation failures and the concrete steps districts and individual educators can take minimize such mistakes.

New book offers guidance, tools to address needs of students with significant social, emotional, behavioral needs

Supporting Students With Intense Social, Emotional and Behavioral Challenges: The NEEDS-SEB Model details how to establish and maintain programming for students with intense social, emotional, and behavioral needs.

New resource helps district avoid pitfalls in conducting virtual IDEA, Section 504 meetings

Conducting Virtual Meetings That Comply With the IDEA and Section 504 outlines everything you need to know to conduct virtual IEP meetings, Section 504 meetings, and manifestation determination reviews that are compliant with federal requirements.

New resource helps districts provide legally compliant online learning

Virtual Instruction for Students With Disabilities covers the selection of virtual providers, placement in virtual programs, drafting IEPs for the virtual environment, and more!

New edition of Serving Private School Students, Families and Teachers includes recent guidance

The third edition of Serving Private School Students, Families and Teachers: A Compliance Guide for Title I Practitioners is your planning and compliance guide to serving private school students. It's a resource that includes recent federal guidance explained in plain language.

New book provides common sense tips, legal insight into obtaining parental consent

Strategies and Requirements for Obtaining Informed Parental Consent Under the IDEA helps districts understand when and how to obtain consent and avoid missteps that lead to disputes.

LRP’s National Institute Online Event is now live!

LRP's National Institute has been the leader in special education professional development for more than 40 years. This year, we've added a new dimension to that proud history to ensure this vital training continues: The launch of the National Institute Online Event.

New resource is trainer’s ready-to-use toolkit to teach paraprofessionals how to apply instructional strategies that bolster student independence

LRP Media Group, a recognized leader in the special education publishing industry, has released The Special Ed Administrator's Training Toolkit: Professional Development for Paraprofessionals...

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