Florence Simmons

4 top remote learning strategies for students with disabilities

Engagement increased in classes where general education and special education teachers planned together and taught together.

How to pivot between in-person, remote learning

Rising COVID-19 rates have led many districts that had been providing in-person instruction for several weeks to pivot back to full-time remote learning.

How to promote students’ perceived sense of control

Students who have had anxiety and depression even pre-pandemic, particularly those with autism and other disabilities, may feel safer when they are given opportunities to feel in control.

5 ways to address the shortage of subs in special ed

Special education teachers, including subs, must meet certain state-set qualification standards, making planning for classroom coverage during COVID particularly challenging.

Keeping students with dyslexia engaged in virtual learning

A look at interactive tools, sound production, assistive technology and more as related to distance learning and dyslexia.

Remote instruction for students with visual and hearing impairments

Two schools supporting students who are blind or deaf share how they are educating those who are distance learning.

Substitute teachers in special ed classrooms

5 questions administrators must know the answers to before sending a substitute teacher into to fill in for a special education teacher

4 ways to build student resilience

Students of all abilities can better cope with coronavirus-related uncertainties when educators help them with resilience—and teaching students related skills can be done in-person or through virtual learning.

5 safety measures to implement for students who can’t wear masks

Students with disabilities such as autism or medical conditions such as asthma may be unable to comply with face mask mandates. Here's what actions can be taken in these cases to help keep students and staff safe.

Paraprofessionals’ part in school reopening plans

Here are 4 actions to take in including paraprofessional staff in new school year scenarios, with at least part-time remote instruction in mind.

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