Utilizing funding to enhance teaching and learning

In an FETC session presented by Zoom Video Communications, attendees got a crash course in the latest COVID-19 relief funding and heard from a superintendent about his district's initiatives.

How to capitalize on COVID’s equity lessons

The rapid transformations educators made to serve vulnerable students during COVID should be an inspiration for making the K-12 system more equitable, FETC keynote speaker says.

What’s coming up on day three of FETC

The Biden-Harris administration's goals for K-12 education and COVID-era leadership strategies top the bill on day three of the Future of Education Technology Conference® 2021.

Student goal setting: Success begets success

This thought leadership session from NWEA focused on the value of goal setting for students and explained an effective process to achieve success.

Navigating the challenges of a pandemic

In one FETC session, one superintendent reflected on getting through the pandemic and looking ahead to how it will impact next school year and beyond.

Keeping students motivated, engaged in blended learning

FETC speakers Angelica Casillas-Wortham and Tina Cole from Istation share important insight on how educators can boost energy for themselves and those they teach.

9 best practices for adapting educational leadership in the age of virtual learning

Important lessons from an FETC session on supporting the work, upgrading the culture and practicing self-care during COVID

How the brain learns to read and why students may struggle

An FETC session presented by Square Panda explored why learning to read can be such a challenge and how educators can help.

What’s ahead on day two of FETC?

Equity and educational transformation highlight Wednesday's rich slate of sessions, keynotes and networking opportunities on the day two of FETC.

How digital libraries drive equity and excitement

Digitizing a high school library boosts equity by expanding students' access to books while motivating them to spend more time reading, media specialist Shawn Maas said in an FETC presentation.

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