Teacher feedback pushes Memphis superintendent to delay vote on $5.6 million literacy contract

After getting pushback from teachers about the district’s plan to spend up to $14.5 million over the next five years on a literacy consultant, Shelby County Schools Superintendent Joris Ray pulled a vote on the contract from Tuesday’s school board meeting agenda.

Ray said he still supports the proposal to spend $5.6 million next school year on Educational Epiphany’s teacher training and take-home literacy flashcards for Memphis students. He said that until recently, he had “heard nothing but great things” from teachers about the program, but now wants to gather feedback from educators through surveys and meetings before deciding whether to bring the contract back to the school board.

“For once in a long time, we are providing continuity and consistency across all ZIP codes,” Ray told board members. “As always, I will continue to have the team listen and incorporate board, teacher, parent feedback in how we implement this change.”

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