Google partners with SC Department of Ed to train teachers

Google announced a partnership with the South Carolina Department of Education to train up to 1,000 publicly employed teachers statewide in districts that use Google as the Learning Management System. The Google for Education Level 1 Certification offers educators mastery in using Google products and tools that support strong classroom experiences and student outcomes.

Workforce development and education are among top priorities for Google and this program is intended to reach teachers who may not have training opportunities in underserved areas of the state. Teachers who complete the L1 Certification will feel more capable and confident in using technology in the classroom, which makes for a better student experience in both remote and in-person learning environments.

“We are thrilled to partner with Google to provide teacher training across the state, “ said State Superintendent of Education Molly Spearman. “Our teachers are at the heart of every classroom and the more training we can provide them will only elevate the student experience and outcomes.”

Read more from The Times and Democrat.

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