Curriculum & Instruction

4 ways to use project-based learning to engage students this fall

Making the transition to PBL isn't easy. But research shows it works and is a great way to provide students with what they need in these challenging times.

4 ways to make remote learning equal or superior to in-person instruction

High-quality, digital materials that encourage collaboration and a caregiver to help with assignments enabled remote students to learn as effectively as their in-person classmates.

Summer study in public health boosts STEM interest in students

Rutgers program shows potential to build career pathways.

Here are Grand Rapids schools’ 7 priorities for COVID relief spending

Fines arts programs had subsisted on a shoestring budget in Grand Rapids Public Schools but now its leaders will spend ESSER funds to buy art supplies, instruments and tickets to music festivals.

7 ways after-school staff can join a more diverse teacher workforce

After-school staff seeking to become classroom teachers often enroll in nontraditional development programs designed to diversify the education workforce, report says.

FETC keynote: This is how Eric Curts empowers educators to master edtech

FETC keynote speaker Eric Curts teaches educators how to use edtech in a meaningful (and fun) way.

Here are 2 innovative ideas for virtual learning post-COVID

Administrators launch initiatives to maximize online learning, even if its no longer as essential as it was in the COVID-disrupted 2020-21 school year.

2 states where COVID relief funds are igniting a love of reading

Here's how Delaware and Nevada are providing all students with access to diverse digital book collections and amping up professional development.

Why buybacks? 7 tips for schools seeking Second Life with Apple devices

Smart investments, returns can help districts get new tech.

Why a 4.8% drop in financial aid filings is so ‘disheartening’

Numbers plummeted from October 2020 through early March as uncertainty over coronavirus and financial hardships impacted families

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