Assessment and standards

Teaching in a crisis: Life on the front lines and on video screens

Six educators share their thoughts on the fear of COVID-19, the connections with students and parents and the staffing shortages in schools.

NCES announces delay of NAEP assessments until 2022

State education chiefs applauded the decision to postpone the NAEP given the disruptions caused by COVID-19.

Fall testing paints fuller picture of COVID learning loss

The COVID learning loss predictions were dire, and several organizations are now releasing data tracking how students have actually performed this fall. 

Teaching in a crisis: Educators discuss morale amid COVID-19

Six teachers across the country reflect on instruction, time management and learning in 2020.

The 17 cities with big gaps in charter, public student funding

A study from the University of Arkansas shows the disparities between the charter and public school groups, in some cases as much as a $16,000 difference between pupils.

NEA teachers union sets 3 priorities for Biden-Harris

COVID relief, social justice and loan forgiveness top the priorities the NEA teachers union hopes the Biden-Harris Administration will tackle with its education agenda.

FETC preview: Be revolutionary, make change happen now

Keynote speaker Eric Sheninger says the COVID-19 pandemic might provide the one opportunity to completely transform education for the better.

Teacher pay tops Biden’s 5 priorities for K-12 education

Teacher pay, social-emotional learning, equitable funding and career pathways are the lynchpins of President-elect Joe Biden's platform for K-12 education.

From STEM roots, Phenix City has risen … just in time

This Alabama school district has leveraged technology to dramatically improve student outcomes and overcome challenges, including a successful pivot to hybrid learning during the pandemic

Here’s who’s most concerned about online learning

Families with lower incomes are most concerned about their students falling behind in school due to various forms of online and remote learning during COVID disruptions, a new survey has found. 

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