A possible solution to the nationwide school bus driver shortage could be under the hood

With school in full swing, parents, teachers, and K-12 students nationwide are getting accustomed to their daily routines. Parents depend on a school bus to get their children to and from campus on time. However, an ongoing school bus driver shortage is causing chaos in school districts nationwide.

According to a 2022 report by the Brookings Institution, close to 25 million K-12 public school students throughout the United States rely on school buses for their daily transportation during the school year. But for several years, students have been arriving to class late and getting home well into the night.

At the start of the 2023-2024 school year, Jefferson County Public Schools, the largest district in Kentucky, was forced to cancel classes for several days after students waited hours for a school bus to get them home safely. “I had to wait there for four hours at school before the bus came, and it was kind of terrifying,” said Terry, a 10-year-old student in Louisville.

Read more from WESH.com.


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