W.V. school workers demonstrate as legislative session begins

As a frigid wind blew around 6:30 Wednesday morning, Kanawha City Elementary teachers gathered in the dark on the sidewalk on 36th Street, holding signs and receiving a few supportive car honks in the moments before school began.

“We’re out here just to let the Legislature know and the governor know that we still remember, we still didn’t get PEIA fixed, so we want that to be a priority, we want more funding for our schools, we don’t want them to cut the taxes, we heard rumors of the business tax being cut,” said third-grade teacher Danielle Loehr.

“We’re still ready to fight,” interjected fourth-grade teacher Danielle Fernandez, another of about 15 teachers on the sidewalk. Her sign read “Funding education should be normal, not historic. #FundEducation #FixPEIA.”


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