Curriculum & Instruction

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Scholastic launches election website for grades 3-12

Students can cast an unofficial vote for president and get a deep civics lesson on the process and issues affecting the 2020 campaigns.

New COVID dashboard to provide early warnings for schools

Superintendents and their teams can analyze COVID trends in their own districts and surrounding schools with an online dashboard that will go live in September.

6 strategies for improving distance learning

Engagement and equity issues need not hinder online learning this school year in the same way they disrupted K-12 education when COVID shut schools down in the spring.

6 ways to improve to outcomes for immigrant students

Immigrant-origin children, whose communities have been disproportionately affected by COVID-19, represent the fastest-growing segment of the country's school-age population, a new report says.

3 COVID insights from schools that have reopened

Districts that have reopened are providing a cautionary tale about the risk of COVID spreading among teachers and students, Johns Hopkins University experts say. 

A sub-optimal situation: The need for more teachers

School districts large and small have been working to bolster substitute teacher pools to prepare for teacher shortages during the coronavirus pandemic. Will it be enough?

Superintendent offers 4 strategies for hiring substitute teachers

When vetting potential candidates, deputy superintendent Thomas Taylor says it's important to ask the right questions.

3 building blocks to succeed in the coming school year

Taking steps to meet students' basic needs, ensuring connectivity, and advancing innovation will be key to success this year.

9 things parents say about schools in the COVID-era

Parents' confidence in public schools soared while their support for online learning grew sharply despite the COVID shutdown of schools this spring, according to an annual education survey.

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