Online learning

Will teachers in one state risk losing their jobs if they skip the vaccine?

In Oklahoma City Schools, COVID cases exploded after just three days of school. Elsewhere, teachers faced a high-stakes vaccine mandate and schools shut down.

As delta rages, schools need to plan for a virtual option this fall

Education needs an update, and this is our opportunity to evolve. Virtual education is the future, and it's time to start investing in it.

Surging delta is now making new school year look just like last year

Hopes for a return to normal in-person instruction are being dashed throughout the south as the delta variant forces dozens of districts to shift back online or close altogether. 

The 3 areas Title I educators say American Rescue Plan funds should be spent on

Many feel left out of conversation about class needs.

FETC preview: 6 ways the challenges of COVID show the way forward

It is critical that K-12 leaders do all they can to celebrate the success their teachers and students have had with online and digital tools, FETC featured speaker Ann McMullan says.

Upgrading K-12 ed tech may start with willingness to embrace buybacks

Project Tomorrow reveals a lack of trade-ins taking place.

6 ways to help students bounce back after a tough academic year

Students across most grades and subject areas made learning gains in 2020-21, but at a lower rate compared to pre-pandemic trends, according to new NWEA research.

Trust no one: The only effective approach to data security

A 'Zero Trust' mentality is key when implementing data privacy policies and practices for districts.

5 lessons learned about the digital divide from the COVID-19 pandemic

While some believe we will be returning to 'normal' this upcoming 2021-22 school year, the truth is there will be a 'new normal.'

4 ways to make remote learning equal or superior to in-person instruction

High-quality, digital materials that encourage collaboration and a caregiver to help with assignments enabled remote students to learn as effectively as their in-person classmates.

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