
Literacy Under the Lights: 10 ways to bring the community back together

We combined our tri-county area’s love of football with our passion for reading by hosting an event that brought the two together: Literacy Under the Lights.

5 reasons we should add coding as another language in ELA

Students are ready to begin learning about coding at the same time they are ready to begin learning to read and write any other language.

Why holding back students based on reading proficiency does not help

More students are about to be punished simply because they haven’t had appropriate reading instruction.

A deep dive into student data reveals real improvement and reasons for hope

Educators across the country seem to be paying attention to the data that is identifying areas of greatest concern, they are taking action, and it is all having a positive impact on students.

How well does each state teach financial education? Tennessee tops the list

A new report ranks states on how well they provide financial education, including those that don't require financial literacy courses.

4 ways to ensure teachers are using the newest learning materials

Despite having access to the latest tools, one in five teachers said they avoided new materials that did not meet students' needs, were hard to use or that they didn't have time to implement.

How student-focused instruction is working wonders for these districts

Allowing students to schedule their own days, grouping them by achievement rather than grade level, and offering them "real life" experiences—such as running an in-school store—are turning out to be extremely successful.

Math and reading scores crash hard on Nation’s Report Card

A historic decline in math scores on the Nation's Report Card delivers perhaps the starkest verdict yet on the pandemic's "profound toll" on learning. 

How far have math and reading scores dropped? It’s staggering

The first Nation's Report Card of the pandemic shows math and reading declines that are historic and, in some cases, unprecedented.

8 things to watch out for as you design culturally responsive teaching

Superintendents and their teams are now getting some guidance around choosing new tools to make the curriculum relevant for all students.

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