Student Success

Gen Z is skeptical about school. What makes them happy?

A little less than half of Gen Z middle and high school students said they feel motivated to go to school while only 52% reported doing something interesting every day in class, a survey finds.

Dual enrollment: Expand it now to meet the needs of tomorrow

With tech-enabled classrooms, it’s time now to reimagine how we deliver dual enrollment to ensure more students benefit from these programs.

Title IX: States line up to defy new K12 LGBTQ protections

Governors and education leaders of several states are ordering schools not to comply with Biden Administration Title IX update that outlaws harassment based on gender identity or sexual orientation

How this district created an anti-bullying initiative that actually works

This year, Wayne Township Public Schools set a goal to reduce bullying reports by 10%. Here's how they've more than quadrupled their expectations as of April.

No phone zones: Statewide bans are emerging across K12

 A new Indiana law requires public school districts to prohibit students from using cell phones during class time. Vermont lawmakers consider it a civil rights issue while Oklahoma offers financial incentives.

The top 3 barriers to student success, according to educators

What does it take to empower teachers to better serve students as they face these challenges? The answer is unanimous: raise teacher pay.

How to prepare your school for new Title IX’s Aug. 1 debut

Schools have less than four months to update policies and protections for LGBTQ and parenting students. Here's one expert's advice.

Staying sane: Leaders share the ways they de-stress and decompress

The student mental health crisis and high turnover in leadership have tilted the spotlight toward the wellness of K12 leaders. Superintendent Shane McCord, for one, finds his moments of self-care zen by spending time with his family, fishing and—surprisingly or not—doing yard work.

Book bans are hitting new heights this school year

Books about women, sexual violence and rape that have are being challenged based on obscenity while race, LGBTQ and transgender identities continue to be frequent targets.

5 ways districts can better handle social media threats

School leaders should work with law enforcement to develop a response plan that starts discreetly, at a lower intensity, and scales up rapidly if a threat becomes credible.

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