school districts

K12 in 2023: What’s improved, and which issues still linger?

Student behavior and teacher shortages are among the list of challenges these two superintendents say still linger in their districts post-pandemic.

Substitute teachers are in short supply. What are districts doing to cope?

Administrators are turning to creative solutions to make substitute teaching more desirable. Most commonly, leaders are making efforts to boost pay, especially in high-needs areas.

Civics education has declined globally, but how dramatically?

The United States isn't the only country that's lagging behind in civics education, a new analysis suggests. Globally, students—particularly 8th graders—don't have a frim grasp on the topic.

How chronic absenteeism is impacting high-poverty districts

In nearly half (41%) of the most economically disadvantaged school districts, three-fourths of their schools reported "extreme" levels of chronic absence, a new analysis suggests.

How to sustain your 1:1 programs post-pandemic

The end of pandemic relief funds is swiftly approaching, and with it, many schools' ability to invest in technology. Here are some ideas on how you can purchase and maintain student technology in a way that's cost-effective.

The state of K12 cybersecurity: How can schools prepare for 2024?

"2023 has been a tough year for K12 cybersecurity, and some states and local education entities are not taking it as seriously as they should," says Tim Chadwick, chief information security officer at LINQ.

Setbacks and new directions: How school board elections played out last week

Motivated by some of the most pressing issues among parents, like book bans, classroom conversation and instruction, this week was an opportunity for many to take hold of leadership roles in their communities and spark change.

After-school programs met K12 leaders’ list of priorities in 2023-24

64% of public schools are offering after-school programs to students this school year, and they're widely staffed by full-time teachers, new data suggests.

What the research tells us about the vaping crisis in schools

Tobacco use among high school students dipped between 2022-23. But that's not the case for our middle schoolers, new CDC data suggests.

These are the only 2 states that have offered guidance on AI in education

"The longer that states wait to provide guidance, the more ground they'll have to cover when they do—and AI isn't waiting for anyone," a new analysis reads.