How to Transform Schools into Dynamic Learning Hubs

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Date & Time: Thursday, December 7 at 2 pm ET

Traditionally, school has been viewed as what happens between 8:00 a.m. and 3:00 p.m.—and student learning was expected to fit inside that box. But learning is always happening, and it has become increasingly understood that student success requires holistic support, addressing physical, mental, social, and academic needs.  

By building strong partnerships that connect school, home, and community, district leaders can transform schools into dynamic learning hubs that empower students, support educators, and engage families—before, during, and after the school day.  

Attend this 20-minute DA Ed Talk to learn more about the concept, the research that supports this approach, and some practical strategies to establish learning hubs in any school or district.  


 Dr. Dawn Bridges, Former Assistant Superintendent and V.P. of Educational Affairs, Right At School 

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