FETC 2020 preview: Administrator Track

This session track will offer technology-based best practices that can be used to lead schoolwide initiatives

The Administrator Track at FETC 2020—one of 6 distinct session tracks offered at the conference—will highlight technology-based best practices that administrators use in their daily practice to lead school-wide initiatives that embrace technology, engage successful learners and build capacity among teacher leaders.

Administrators will be introduced to emerging technologies like AR, VR, AI, blockchain and digital tools. Sessions focused on the modern design of learning environments, data security, leading the technology evaluation process and edtech decision-making, appropriating funding, leveraging social media and leading professional development will inform administrators about current trends and effective implementation.

In addition, a variety of workshops will cover a wide range of hands-on presentations that include maximizing technology to communicate, evaluate, build innovative school culture, coach staff and boost district success using learner analytics.

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