Dyslexia Legislation: What District Leaders Need to Know

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Date & Time: Friday, December 1 at 2 pm ET

Dyslexia reform is sweeping the country, with states like California recently passing legislation to mandate screenings for all students. While identification is a key starting point in supporting students with dyslexia, administrators must also ensure that their educators have access to knowledge and resources that align to the legislative language and requirements.

Attend this 20-minute DA Ed Talk to learn more about state mandates for screening, intervention and teacher training, how to support students with dyslexia, and how to connect the dots between state legislation and evidence-based solutions.

Attendees will learn:  

  • Where states stand on mandated dyslexia screenings, intervention, and teacher training 
  • Why explicit and systematic literacy instruction is key to supporting students with dyslexia 
  • How to connect the dots between legislation requirements and the most effective resources 


Kimber Liedl, State Government Relations Associate, Lexia 

Brandy Bugni, State and Regional Outreach Manager, Lexia

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