Emily Ann Brown

9 keys to mentoring in teacher professional development

Albuquerque Public Schools, the Albuquerque Teachers Federation and the University of New Mexico's College of Education launched a mentoring program in 2004 with nine tenets.

Voice and choice drives edtech in special education

Children with unique learning needs excel when their interests and skills drive specialized instruction that is delivered via assistive technology in an engaging and sensitive environment.

K12 schools get ready for action with edtech

What new edtech innovations will make a big splash in 2019, and what technology will cement its place in classroom instruction?

Design thinking in schools

An increasing number of educators use elements of the design-thinking process—empathize, define, ideate, prototype and test—to find solutions to and think analytically about the...

Gaining edtech grants

Districts increasingly look outside of existing budgets to supply IT teams with the apps, technology and professional development today's K12 environment demands. Leaders who are...

Click for funding

The following links can help you get started seeking edtech grants. Local service clubs Rotary International: rotary.org/en Kiwanis International Service Club: kiwanis.org Sertoma Inc.: sertoma.org Lions Clubs International: lionsclubs.org Junior...

Medical marijuana pushes boundaries in school district policies

As parents increasingly turn to marijuana to treat children, school district administrators have had to establish rules for the drug's use on school grounds.

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