Ariana Fine

‘Andy Weir and the Unintended Consequences of Curiosity’

Use great fiction as a launch pad to help your ravenous and reluctant learners find that spark of curiosity. In the "Andy Weir and the Unintended Consequences of Curiosity" essay by Gillian King-Cargile, the STEM Read director at Northern Illinois University, find out how asking good questions can lead to great things for your students.

With little AI curriculum, there’s a real risk of the U.S. falling behind other countries

As artificial intelligence becomes more mainstream, it offers many opportunities for students to learn skills they can use in the workforce. It also offers incentives for more companies to move into the K12 STEM education space—to meet a need and reap a profit. Except, there isn't much AI curriculum in STEM education.

School bus app designed for smaller school districts

The Here Comes the Bus' more affordable Lite version will be available later this year. Designed to serve smaller school districts that normally don't invest in smart school bus fleet technology. it provides real-time tracking info as well as e-mails and push notifications to connect parents and students with their bus.

Webinar: Securing Student Data in the Cloud

If you ask K12 school district leaders what keeps them up at night, there's a good chance data security ranks high on their list. So how can school districts protect their data? Many districts find the answer is cloud computing—the on-demand delivery of compute power, database storage, applications and other IT resources through internet-based services.

Fla. district adopts real-time emergency coordination solution

Brevard County joins six other Florida counties using Mutualink's instant emergency communications coordination platform between schools and law enforcement to enhance school safety readiness and response.

School design-build pilot program created in Illinois

Gov. Bruce Rauner has signed legislation to establish a pilot program for school districts to use the design-build construction delivery method. It allows architects, engineers and construction contractors to pick their partners and be hired as a team, expediting project completion.

LAUSD hires substitute staffers as teachers prepare to strike

As leaders of LAUSD and United Teachers Los Angeles remain locked in an impasse over a new contract, the district has hired close to 400 substitute staffers to replace picketing educators in the event of a potential strike on January 10. But the move has sparked outrage from the union.

Low-tech solutions to combat in-class hacking

As the Kahoot game-based learning platform has gained popularity, so have student attempts to hack into the program. Some students log in using fake names...

K12 edtech training expands

A new wave of professional development partnerships will double the capacity of the International Society for Technology in Education (ISTE) to offer its Certification...

K12 summer tech tracks

Startable Pittsburgh fosters local teenagers' entrepreneurial and maker skills in a free, eight-week summer program that offers two makerspace tracks. The 2018 tracks were fashion...

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