California, Texas and Oregon districts have recently streamlined their communications using Mitel. In Oregon, Beaverton School District replaced a failing, decades-old phone system with a Mitel platform featuring a mass notification program that integrates with advanced emergency response applications. The platform also allows for collaboration across the district’s 51 schools and six departments, including transportation, nutrition services and special education.
Jefferson County Public Schools (Colorado) will roll out a 1-to-1 initiative over the next four years. The platform includes an education app suite featuring the Pear Deck platform that lets teachers manage multimedia content. Formative assessments can also be created on student devices across every grade level and subject area.
Last year, Newton County Schools (Georgia) successfully piloted Proximity Learning‘s Enriched Live Instruction Model, a virtual online teaching service that provides equitable learning opportunities. For the 2019-20 school year, Proximity Learning is sending state-certified educators to Newton County to help fill teacher vacancies before the district implements the solution.
Read: Industry News: K-12 districts partner with suppliers
Fairfax County Public Schools (Virginia) has begun using the NoRedInk web-based adaptive writing curriculum in its high schools. The curriculum adjusts the content to student strengths and weaknesses, and sends data and progress reports to teachers. The program also provides scaffolded support throughout the writing process as students draft compositions, engage in peer and self-review, and revise work.
The Arkansas Department of Education has begun distributing TeachAids‘ CrashCourse video and virtual reality program to districts across the state to educate student-athletes on the signs, symptoms and long-term effects of concussions. TeachAids selected Arkansas as the first state to receive the program for free. Most Arkansas high schools have the Oculus Rift VR systems, so students can fully experience the system-compatible CrashCourse program.