Leadership Legacy

coaching out of school time budget season next year college and career readiness out-of-school time problem-solving

Parents aren’t the roadies, they’re now in the band

Schools are now expected to document how they provide regular, clear communication and ensure parents’ voices are reflected in decision-making processes, particularly in the use of federal funds.
Quintin Shepherd optimism diplomacy public participation

Why optimism? It’s not just about seeing good in every situation

Here is how K12 leaders can embrace the balance of optimism and realism and guide their communities toward a future filled with hope and resilience.
coaching out of school time budget season next year college and career readiness out-of-school time problem-solving

School leaders, here are the keys to executive problem-solving

The use of rigorous logic and disciplined methods to apply effective solutions to difficult problems is an essential skill of public education leadership. The higher up you go in the org chart, the more people you need to involve in the problem-solving process.

Portrait of a graduate: 3 characteristics of a powerful tool

In the latest "Talking Out of School" podcast, an expert guides district leaders in developing a portrait of a graduate that offers students more more meaningful learning and durable skills.
coaching out of school time budget season next year college and career readiness out-of-school time problem-solving

Your results ‘hinge’ on your senior leadership team

Becoming more intentional about the senior leadership team’s purpose, membership and meetings will make your life easier, bring energy to the work of your leaders and improve your results.
Craig Witherspoon

Craig Witherspoon: Let your team ‘make the music’ for K12 success

The skills and mindset needed to lead a high school band have harmoniously translated to the superintendency, longtime South Carolina educator Craig Witherspoon says in the latest episode of "Talking Out of School."

Superintendent Atiya Perkins wants you to “pause for the cause”

In this episode of the podcast, Superintendent Atiya Perkins shares how "emotional intelligence" is not only a vital part of her leadership philosophy, it's how she stays in touch with her own humanity.
new principals

3 powerful questions new principals should ask every staff member

Through the process detailed here, a new principal looks everyone in the eye, listens to their input and determines a course of action.
K12 branding and marketing

K12 branding and marketing: Why they’re more important than ever

If you’re a superintendent or administrator trying to tackle public relations, this week's guests on District Administration's "Talking Out of School" podcast are here to help. 
coaching out of school time budget season next year college and career readiness out-of-school time problem-solving

Welcome to district leadership: 7 things you need to know

The reason that the move from school to district leadership feels like such a big step to many leaders is because the skills that made you a successful— and promotable—principal are in some way counterproductive for district leaders.