DA Staff

DA 100 education influencers: Thomas Murray

Director of innovation for Future Ready Schools (All 4 Ed), Murray has dedicated the last 10 years to helping school districts apply evidence-based practices that result in student-centered learning environments. 

DA 100 education influencers: Laura McBain

McBain is the managing director of the K12 Lab at Hasso Plattner Institute of Design at Stanford, which seeks to remove opportunity gaps in elementary and secondary education by creating more equitable models and sharing design approaches with students and educators.

DA 100 education influencers: Stanley Litow

A professor at Columbia University’s School of International and Public Affairs, Litow once served as the deputy schools chancellor for the New York City Public School System. He’s authored several books, including Breaking Barriers: How P-TECH Schools Create a Pathway From High School to College to Career.

DA 100 education influencers: Carl Hooker

An educational speaker and consultant with more than 25 years of teaching experience, Hooker was director of innovation and digital learning for the Eanes Independent School District for more than 12 years, spearheading an initiative that put iPads into the hands of all K12 students in the district.

DA 100 education influencers: Michael Fullan

The co-leader of the New Pedagogies for Deep Learning global initiative, which works alongside educators to transform the role of teachers to that of activators of learning. Fullan has also authored several books.

DA 100 education influencers: Dan Fitzpatrick

An international keynote speaker and author of the bestselling book, The AI Classroom: The Ultimate Guide to Artificial Intelligence in Education, Fitzpatrick works with schools, colleges, universities and businesses.

DA 100 education influencers: Julia Freeland Fisher

Julia Freeland Fisher is the director of education at the Clayton Christensen Institute, a nonprofit, nonpartisan think tank where she leads a team of researchers to uncover the effects of disruptive innovation on education.

DA 100 education influencers: Leslie Fisher

The director of Fisher Technologies Inc. specializes in K12 educational technology conferences and event presentation services in addition to on-site and online professional development.

DA 100 education influencers: Kimberly Vaught

The former principal and current executive director of leadership development at Charlotte-Mecklenburg Schools in North Carolina is considered a trusted advisor to teachers and staff who lean on her to collaborate and motivate them.

DA 100 education influencers: Diane Doersch

The senior director of information technology at Digital Promise, which brings together solutions across research, practice and technology to shape the future of learning and advance equitable education systems, Doersch is also the board chair of the Consortium of School Networking (CoSN).

DA 100 education influencers: Eric Curts

The technology integration specialist for SPARCC in North Canton, Ohio, Curts runs the award-winning blog “Control Alt Achieve,” where he shares a host of edtech resources and tools for educators.

DA 100 education influencers: George Couros

An author and highly sought-after speaker, Couros’ sessions often delve into transformative education practices that inspire educators and leaders to create empowering learning environments.

DA 100 education influencers: Holly Clark

Clark is the owner and chief learning officer of The Infused Classroom, an education technology blog designed to provide teachers resources and professional development on AI in education and other edtech innovations.

DA 100 education influencers: Jimmy Casas

The CEO of J Casas and Associates, an educational leadership company, Casas is a best-selling author, speaker, leadership coach and a state and national award-winning principal.

DA 100 education influencers: Alberto Carvalho

Los Angeles Unified School District Superintendent Alberto Carvalho’s latest achievement is the launching of Ed, a personalized AI assistant for each of his district’s 540,000 students.