New York school principal noted for strong literacy initiatives


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Principal Doreen McSain of Glenwood Elementary School has taken to heart the quote “Everything I know, I learned from dogs.” She welcomes canines into her school in western Long Island, New York, to encourage her students to read to them. McSain also instituted a program wherein second-graders read to residents at a senior living community. McSain, who has been principal since 2009, won principal of the year from the School Administrators Association of New York.

Laura Perille, president and CEO of the nonprofit EdVestors, will temporarily lead Boston Public Schools. Through her organization, Perille has worked closely with the district to expand the arts and math instruction. She also worked on a special advisory committee that changed the way the district assigns students to schools.

Charles Foust is now superintendent of Kansas City, Kansas Public Schools. Foust, who was previously chief school performance officer of Union County Public Schools in North Carolina, will be tasked with improving graduation rates and strengthening the district’s early childhood education and ELL programs.

Amy Cashwell, former chief academic officer for teaching and learning in Virginia Beach, now leads Henrico County Public Schools. Cashwell will contend with racial incidents that have dogged the district and will address its record of suspending black students at a higher rate than white students. Cashwell previously served as an assistant principal and principal at Virginia Beach City Public Schools.

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