AI, People, and Policies: Leadership Strategies for the New Threats Facing K-12


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Date & Time: Wednesday, June 5th at 2 pm ET

The landscape of edtech and district leadership is constantly evolving. As new tools and technologies such as AI develop, new threats to security and privacy emerge simultaneously.

AI-powered edtech offers new possibilities as well as risks, and district leaders need to anticipate future trends by aligning personnel, operations, technology, and policies to protect their schools.

Attend this DA webinar for an insightful discussion with a former superintendent, District Administration’s CIO-in-Residence, and a cybersecurity expert about the most common vulnerabilities in K12 today, which emerging trends to prepare for, and how to approach AI from a policy, security, and leadership perspective.


Scott Bailey, Retired Superintendent, Desert Sands USD (Calif.)

Lenny Schad, CIO-in-Residence; former CIO of Katy ISD and Houston ISD, District Administration

John Schimanski, CISO, TriVigil

Moderator: Avni Trivedi, CEO, TriVigil

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