Maryland schools report surge in failure rates for second quarter (subscription)

Failure rates surged in Maryland schools during the second quarter, with new data showing percentages doubling or tripling in key classes in most of the state’s 24 school districts. The numbers are another sign of the academic toll of the coronavirus pandemic, which has claimed more than 540,000 lives in the United States and shuttered some schools for as long as a year.

With school systems reeling as never before, many students have been learning virtually for all or much of the past year. In Maryland, attendance numbers are down, but course grades provide a far more alarming picture of how students are faring.

The data offered a year-to-year look at failing course grades in math, English, science and social studies for the second quarter, which runs from November to January. In each category, roughly two-thirds of school systems saw failure rates double, triple or increase even more for middle and high school students.

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