Featured speaker and classroom leader Victoria Thompson is known to many as FETC’s “official ambassador.” An Orlando-area resident and CDW education strategist for the Southeast, Thompson is looking to bring a fresh spin to her sessions, starting with how educators can collaborate across the curriculum at their schools.
“This is all about working together, even if you are not in the same department, even if you’re not in the same grade level,” Thompson explains. “When I was teaching and in school leadership, there were just so many folks who said, ‘This is the math department and this is the English department, so we don’t have anything in common.’ And I said, “No, you can actually find commonality.”
In another session, which Thompson calls one of her “favorites,” she will cover digital footprints for students and educators. She notes that most job recruiters will check a candidate’s social media presence. “I’m a big believer that who we are online—how active or how inactive we are—can absolutely leave a footprint and create learning communities and job opportunities,” she notes. “This is all about putting that positive foot forward.”
Thompson’s STEM background will fuel her session on the use of edtech devices in math classrooms. “This is charting out that journey to utilize tech,” she points out. “How do you get started? How do you make sure that you’ve got positive feedback from students? What does it look like to get families involved?”
Thompson returns to FETC each year because of the community the conference creates. “FETC is very good about highlighting voices who are doing really cool things,” she says.
Victoria Thompson’s FETC 2025 sessions
Here are some of the key topics Thompson will cover at FETC 2025:
- Cross-Curricular Strategies for K-12 Educators
- Digital Footprint: What it is, What it Isn’t, and How to Use It
- X, Y, and Devices: Using Technology To Create Equity in K12 Mathematics Classrooms