Coding curriculum: What coding looks like in the classroom


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Adding coding to the curriculum offers a new way to engage students in learning. Here are some ideas for connecting coding to the elementary curriculum from Kim Quapp, coding specialist at Parley’s Park Elementary School in Park City, Utah.

Says Quapp: “The possibilities are endless.”

  • Kindergarten: Sequence events from stories using Beebot robots.
  • First grade: Use character traits from stories to code Scratch Jr. projects. Tie together science and language arts to study the life cycle of spiders.
  • Second grade: Make water-cycle simulations in Scratch to blend science and language arts.
  • Third grade: Create fraction stories in Scratch to explain the parts of a whole and fractions of a set.
  • Fourth grade: Create weathering and erosion projects using Scratch. Use the language arts curriculum, maps and cultural studies to create Japanese tours in Scratch.

Main story: Code to consistency in K12 schools

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