Steven Blackburn

Special Populations and Virtual Learning: Creating More Inclusive Learning Environments

Date & Time: Wednesday, October 04 at 2 pm ET

Attend this 20-minute DA Ed Talk to learn practical strategies for how to support and meet the needs of students with IEP/504 plans and ELL students in a virtual setting.

Sustaining Data-Driven Instruction Throughout the School Year

Date & Time: Thursday, September 14 at 2 pm ET

In this 20-minute DA Ed Talk with the associate superintendent of curriculum and instruction from the Ector County ISD in Texas, learn how to use multiple data points to help teachers monitor progress, make “in the moment” instructional adjustments, and set students up for sustained success throughout the rest of the year.

Student Mental Health & SEL: Connecting the Dots from Prevention to Behavioral Intervention

Thursday, Nov. 4, 2021 2:00 pm ET

In this webinar you will gain insights from various subject matter experts and district leaders on how to increase mental health support through evidence-based SEL and intervention curriculum, as well as other tools and resources, to reduce negative student outcomes such as stigmatization, learning loss, and exposure to the criminal justice system.

Proven Tips for How to Successfully Bring New Tech to a District

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Expert Panel: Confronting the Next Normal with a Focus on Mental Health

.sidebar, .archive_link{display:none;} .header{box-shadow:none !important;position:relative !important;top:0 !important;}#post-content, #author-page, #search-results, #secondary-post-content{padding-top:5px !important;}.container{border-top:1px solid #b9b9b9;}.pad-1{padding-bottom:0.2em !important;}#gform_submit_button_306{width:250px !important;}.gform_footer{text-align:center !important;}body .gform_wrapper ul li.gfield{margin-top:0 !important;}.post-content{max-width:1000px !important;left:0 !important;} A District Administration Web...

Summer Construction & Beyond: Prioritizing COVID-19 Safety and Stimulus Funding

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What Indianapolis Public Schools’ racial equity policy accomplishes

Indianapolis Public Schools recently approved a systemwide racial school policy as part of an ongoing effort to curtail racism and biases in the Indiana district.