The third edition of Serving Private School Students, Families and Teachers: A Compliance Guide for Title I Practitioners is your planning and compliance guide to serving private school students. It’s a resource that includes recent federal guidance explained in plain language.
From child counts and allocations to fiscal control, each chapter clarifies your legal obligations and suggests ways to document each step — to ensure you demonstrate compliance, meet students’ needs, and avoid snags with auditors.
With explanations supported by examples, you gain an understanding of and a comfort level in applying the requirements, including:
- The U.S. Supreme Court decision in Trinity Lutheran Church of Columbia Inc. v. Comer;
- The new calculation method for the equitable share for eligible private school students;
- Considerations on whether to consolidate and coordinate ESSA funds;
- How the U.S. Education Department responds to a private school appeal;
- And much more.
Serving Private School Students, Families and Teachers: A Compliance Guide for Title I Practitioners – Third Edition is available for purchase from LRP Publications’ online store.