Construction Watch: Voters around Minnesota say ‘yes’ to $539 million in school upgrades


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School districts across the state of Minnesota this week received voter endorsement of construction and renovation projects topping $539 million. Voters approved seven of 15 building referendums, including a $275 million plan from the North St. Paul-Maplewood-Oakdale School DistrictRead more.

In other construction news:

In Oregon, seven of eight bonds for school construction have passed, many by large majorities of voters. The construction bonds are mostly in small rural school districts. The strong results for schools come just days after Oregon legislators approved a business tax projected to invest $1 billion per year in the state’s public schools. Read more.

A costly effort to rehabilitate aging buildings throughout the St. Paul, Minnesota, school district has been plagued by staggeringly inaccurate cost estimates, employee turnover and a lack of oversight. Eighteen projects alone will cost around $471 million, which is $179 million more than what was expected two years ago. Read more.

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