How High-Quality Science Programs Can Improve Reading and Math Scores


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Date & Time: Wednesday, September 25th at 2 pm ET

The urgency to recover elementary students’ reading and math skills to pre-pandemic levels has never been higher. On average, students require an additional 4.8 months and 4.3 months of instruction in reading and math, respectively, according to a study released in late July by NWEA.

This leaves even less time for boosting elementary science instruction, when only 17% of K-12 science programs meet expectations for alignment with learning standards, according to a 2023 EdReports study.

In this 20-minute Ed Talk, two experts will share the results of a study where 37 schools from seven districts used high-quality, hands-on science instructional materials and aligned professional learning to improve student test scores in all three subjects—reading, math and science.

Takeaways include:

  • Key points from a study that proves the efficacy of high-quality instructional materials (HQIM) and professional learning (HQPL) on student achievement in reading, math and science
  • An in-depth look at the integration of science, reading, and math in an elementary unit from a curriculum series that received an All-Green rating from EdReports
  • What elements are part of HQIM and HQPL
  • Two (2) free units that can be used in conjunction with other elementary science curricula to enhance instruction

***All participants will be able to safely download the “Improving Student Achievement Across State Borders and State Standards” initial summative and main findings report.


Sarah Glassman, PhD., Manager of K-8 Curriculum, Smithsonian Science Education Center

Katie Gainsback, Assistant Division Director of Professional Services, Smithsonian Science Education Cente

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