Steven Blackburn

Report urges federal action on equitable funding for schools

The federal government must take "bold action" to make education funding more equitable, says a recent report from the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights....

Product Focus: K12 science instruction

The spread of learning on mobile devices has driven providers to push science platforms into the cloud. At the same time, the need for...

Project Reach connects with at-risk school students

To expand support for its at-risk students, Berkeley Township School District three years ago held six meetings with teachers, parents, businesses, nonprofits, the Berkeley...

Sonora High School builds a new pool and upgrades its aquatic center

The much anticipated third and final phase of a construction project at Sonora High School (Sonora Union High School District, Calif.) ended with the...

Lake Mary High School principal performs with dance team

Donna Reynolds, principal of Lake Mary High School of Seminole County Public Schools in Florida, connected with students by performing with the dance team...

Industry news: Schools and districts in nearly 30 states use the Edthena platform

Schools and districts in nearly 30 states—including Lyon County School District (Nevada)—use the Edthena platform to video coach educators. Lyon County began video coaching...

Putting career aptitude assessments used in schools to the test

Twelve of Nashville's largest high schools in November began piloting an online test that assesses ninth-graders' job aptitudes along with their career interests. Many states,...

Schools embrace nontraditional furniture

Teachers now promote physical movement almost as purposefully as they strive for mental leaps and bounds. Accordingly, some of the latest models of nontraditional...

K12 industry news: 15 states adopt Discovery Education Techbooks

The Virginia Department of Education has added Renaissance's Star Reading, Math and Early Literacy to its Student Growth Assessments list to help teachers lead...

Schools add another ‘S’ to STEM—for sports

Administrators from the Houston area discovered a more effective way of teaching terminal velocity and gravity—by keeping students afloat on 150-mph winds inside a...

Bellevue School District transforms Sammamish High School

Photo credit: Rockfon. Bellevue School District in Washington transformed its one-story Sammamish High School into a three-story educational facility. It's the last phase of the...

Los Angeles USD builds the Maywood Center for Enriched Studies

The completion of the Maywood Center for Enriched Studies, a grade 6 through 12 magnet school, marks the end of Los Angeles USD's 14-year...

Lawmakers requiring more recess in schools

A small but growing number of states are requiring school districts to provide recess. Pending legislation in Massachusetts would require schools to provide at least...

States that require recess, states that require general and physical activity

Here are lists of states that require recess in elementary schools and that require general and physical activity. States that require recess in elementary school Connecticut:...

A school district's mold infestation leads to modernization

Mold growth at California's Klamath-Trinity Joint USD three years ago was an asset in disguise. Mold growth at California's Klamath-Trinity Joint USD three years ago...