Matt Zalaznick

Matt Zalaznick is the managing editor of District Administration and a life-long journalist. Prior to writing for District Administration he worked in daily news all over the country, from the NYC suburbs to the Rocky Mountains, Silicon Valley and the U.S. Virgin Islands. He's also in a band.

Districts launch evening, online high schools for at-risk students

In January, the Jackson Public Schools became the first district in Mississippi to launch an evening high school that students attend from 2:30 to...

Putting the “A” in STEAM

Injecting the arts into science, math, engineering and technology encourages students to think creatively and critically in traditional STEM subjects that, until the recent...

School neuroscience unleashes students' brain power

Educational neuroscience empowers teachers with new insights into how all students learn and holds promise for enhancing special ed, but myths and exaggerations sprouting...

Social media monitoring raises thorny legal questions

Laws in different states provide varied leeway when it comes to monitoring students' public and private social media activity. Under an Illinois law that was...

Schools overcoming homeless hurdles

A homeless student in Delaware last year spent about three hours a day riding back and forth to school in taxi cabsÁ‘at a cost...

Community colleges offer a ‘human bridge’ to higher ed

Under a statewide program first funded in 2013, Vermont students can leave public high schools before their senior year to enroll full-time in college. They...

How schools are tackling truancy

District leaders across the country are broadening and personalizing their approaches to attendance because the old way of sending truants and their families to...

Do teacher prep programs lack rigor?

A National Council onTeacherQuality report citing a lack of rigor and grade inflation in teacher preparation courses is being disputed by the organization that...