JD Solomon

Calculating the true costs of choice in K12 education

Our public education system was developed to serve all children, with taxpayers supporting the common good. Recent years have seen the growth of private,...

Preparing K12 students for today’s ‘messy’ world

In his new book What School Could Be, innovation expert Ted Dintersmith profiles schools that focus on innovation and “real” learning, rather than endlessly drilling on formulas...

Budget cuts lead to dissonance in school music programs

When it comes to balancing school budgets, the arts—and particularly music—often suffer most from spending cuts. It's part of a cycle that began in...

Higher standards don’t necessarily mean higher test scores in K12

Dan Hamlin, a postdoctoral fellow in the Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University, and Paul E. Petersen have examined data to see what impact states lowering...

How schools fail at keeping children safe

Every weekday during the academic year, more than 50 million children across the United States enter public school buildings, says Lori Peek. Many of...

Federal funds could help revive dying languages in schools

Perhaps in an effort to right the wrongs of the past, the Department of Education has begun accepting applications for $2.3 million in grants...

A rational approach for schools to end gun violence

After the shootings at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Florida, Matthew Mayer and Shane Jimerson knew they had some work to do. Mayer,...

Why testing has failed our schools

Pressure to raise achievement test scores has become the driving force behind what is taught and how. Worse, the results from these tests reveal...

Time for schools to flunk failure

We pretty much understand rocket science, says Doug Green. That is, we understand the complex math and physics that propel objects into space. "The...

7 steps for schools to provide deeper learning

Our education system is like a giant embedded rock, says Grant Lichtman. In his book, Moving the Rock, the former administrator outlines seven "levers"...

A fresh look at an old way of teaching in K12

Rose L. Colby's book Competency-Based Education introduces educators to a new model for anytime, anywhere schooling, and provides curriculum resources for redesigning the traditional...

New York State requires mental health education

Most states have laws mandating health education in primary and secondary schools, but New York will be the first to emphasize mental health instruction...

Getting to the true nature of learning in K12

What if we taught kids how to think, not what to think? That question is the focus of Re:Thinking, a new documentary that inspires...

Research shows disparity in K12 special needs reporting

How do districts define and identify their special needs students? And how does that compare with the way it is done in other districts...

Why are all the black kids still sitting together in the school cafeteria?

Visit just about any racially mixed school and you will see black, white, Asian and Latino kids clustered in their own groups. Is this...