Ariana Fine

1 in 5 students have dyslexia or another reading deficit

It can be hard to spot, but you can use your classroom experience and knowledge of your students to recognize the signs that are often hiding in plain sight.

Improving student reading outcomes through literacy brain science

When Syracuse City School District (SCSD) educators realized many of their adolescent students had significant reading difficulties, they needed a comprehensive intervention to help those students reach grade-level success. See how LANGUAGE! Live brought SCSD to districtwide success with literacy brain science.

Camouflaged vaping devices are hoodwinking parents and schools

The vaping market is crowded with sleek, camouflaged devices, including the newest addition of a hood with drawstrings that can be used as a vaping device. They have teachers and parents struggling to monitor illicit usage of a product that has surged in popularity among high schoolers.

How a Missouri district boosts student learning by providing necessities

Districts of Distinction update: West Plains Schools' Building Bridges of Opportunity program grows exponentially with community involvement

Construction Watch: Michigan high school designed to thwart active shooters

Curved walls are one of several new safety measures being included to shorten sightlines and provide “shadow zones.”

People Watch: New superintendent of Louisiana Special School District announced

Ernest E. Garrett III will oversee the education of students housed in state or privatized facilities and hospitals.

People Watch: Pennsylvania district taps new superintendent

Nathan Barrett is taking the helm at the Hanover Area School District after serving as a principal in the state's Scranton School District.

Supercharge blended learning environments to really engage your learners

Using blended learning resources and online games to teach elementary literacy and math helps engage students, accelerate learning and provide data insights to guide instruction. Finding these high-quality digital resources can be difficult and costly. is announcing a low introductory price for whole school and district implementations.

New superintendent chosen for Botetourt County

The Virginia district's school board appointed Lisa Chen to replace retiring Superintendent John Busher. Chen is currently the assistant superintendent of public instruction at Louisa County Public Schools.

What keeps administrators up at night? Effective data use, survey says.

Data-driven decision-making continues to be a focus of schools and districts. An American Productivity & Quality Center survey reveals that educators want to make better sense of the data that they currently collect and use for evaluation and accountability purposes.

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