The Science of Reading and Implementation in ELL and Emergent Bilingual Instruction


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Date & Time: Tuesday, August 31 at 2 pm ET

There is increasing need for alignment among experts in the field of reading science and ELL/Emergent Bilingual education. Without alignment, misconceptions have emerged, leading to confusion for educators and district leaders who support these student populations.

To provide clarification and unified recommendations, the Reading League (TRL), National Committee for Effective Literacy (NCEL) and other language and literacy experts have recently engaged in groundbreaking collaborative research summits.

Attend this 20-minute DA Ed Talk to gain exclusive access to insights from these meetings about how to support equitable, positive literacy outcomes and high achievement for multilingual learners.

Topics will include: 

  • The importance of comprehensive literacy and language instruction for all students
  • Why it’s critical to explicitly and systematically teach both foundational skills and oral language development
  • How to effectively prioritize both language and literacy development
  • How to implement an asset-based approach to students’ capacities
  • Why we should consider culturally and linguistically responsive pedagogy


José Viana, Ed.D.
Senior Education Advisor, Lexia
Former Assistant Deputy Secretary and Director for the Office of English Language Acquisition
U.S. Department of Education

Kari Kurto
Senior Education Advisor
National Science of Reading Project Director
The Reading League



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