Joseph L Pfrommer

‘Predetermination’ in a nutshell and how to avoid it

When school IEP team members decide prior to a meeting what they're going to put in the IEP, it opens up school districts to legal disputes.

Know the basics of Child Find triggers, referrals

Don't wait for 'magic' words before referring a student for an evaluation for possible special education services.

Case File: Florida reopening order may proceed, absent unconstitutional provisions

When drafting reopening orders during COVID-19, educational agencies in Florida should allow for local conditions, including local transmission rates, to be incorporated into the decision-making process.

Get students with disabilities on board with new safety rules

Encouraging some students with special needs to social distance, wear a mask and wash their hands more frequently may be challenging for educators. Explicit instruction and praise may help.

How to protect medically vulnerable students when school doors reopen

As districts make plans to reopen schools, IEP and 504 teams should be identifying and planning how to serve students with medical conditions that make them especially vulnerable to COVID-19.

Misuse of ‘distance learning’ terminology can cause real problems for districts

Some may think that using various terms to describe learning that's being done from home while schools are closed due to the pandemic does not matter. But term confusion can have legal and other implications.