Fresh perspectives: The latest round of newly installed superintendents are first-timers


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A few K12 leaders are switching places but a majority of the new superintendents hired by school districts in the past week are getting their first chance at the top spot.

In Ohio, Superintendent David Toth will move from Crestwood Local Schools to Orrville City Schools on Aug. 1, The Daily Record reported. On the East Coast, Christian Angelillo will take the helm of Ocean City Schools in New Jersey after leading Boonton Township schools, according to the Ocean City Sentinel. 

The Penncrest School District in Pennsylvania has chosen its next superintendent, Shawn Ford, who is now the assistant superintendent of the DuBois Area School District. Ford previously led the Purchase Line School District, reported.

First-time superintendents taking the helm

Lloyd Jackson
Lloyd Jackson

Lloyd Jackson is making the jump from higher education back to K12. Jackson has been chosen as the new superintendent of the Texarkana Arkansas School District. He is currently the associate vice chancellor of advancement and chief fundraising officer at Henderson State University and was previously assistant superintendent of school leadership for Kansas City Public Schools and a deputy superintendent in the Hot Springs School District.

In Minnesota, Michael Rivard will lead the Sartell-St. Stephen ISD 748 in July after serving as an assistant superintendent in the St. Cloud Area School District.

Sam Moore
Sam Moore

There were also several promotions from within this past week. The Monroe City School System in Louisiana chose Sam Moore, III, the district’s co-interim superintendent, to become its next leader. He had previously been Monore City’s director of child welfare and attendance.

Deputy Superintendent John Federline has been named superintendent of Union Public Schools in Oklahoma, where he was a student and has worked since 2005. Forsyth County Schools in Georgia picked James Mitchell “Mitch” Young—a teacher, assistant principal, principal and deputy superintendent in the district—as its next leader.

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Anna Cole
Anna Cole

In Colorado, the Roaring Fork School District is promoting its interim, Anna Cole, to become its permanent leader. Cole has also served the district as chief of student and family services and director of the family resource center.

The Pajaro Valley Unified School District in California has chosen Heather Contreras, an assistant superintendent of school leadership for Modesto City Schools, as its next leader. And in Indiana, Chase Huotari will step into the lead role at the Franklin Township Community School Corporation after 19 years in the district as chief academic officer and principal, among other roles.

More new first-timers: 

Matt Zalaznick
Matt Zalaznick
Matt Zalaznick is the managing editor of District Administration and a life-long journalist. Prior to writing for District Administration he worked in daily news all over the country, from the NYC suburbs to the Rocky Mountains, Silicon Valley and the U.S. Virgin Islands. He's also in a band.

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