The Safety Cycle: Ensuring the Safety of Students from A to B and Back Again


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Date & Time: Monday, October 21 at 2 p.m. ET

When transportation teams think about safety, the first thing that often comes to mind is the safety features on their buses. But there’s so much more that contributes to the safety of the students in your district’s care.

Join us for a fresh perspective on how to ensure the safety of your students while they’re in transit, from the time your route planning begins to the end of the school day and back.

You’ll learn proactive approaches to infusing safety into your operations and immediate steps you can take to ensure your team is prepared to react quickly and effectively when the unexpected happens.

Key takeaways include:

  • From creating routes to getting on the road, 3–4 approaches to ensuring drivers are prepared and in control
  • Practical procedures to implement pre-, post-, and during transit for safer student transportation and vehicle maintenance
  • Administrative best practices that reduce liability for your district


Duane Peterson, Transportation Director at Jackson County School System (Ga.), President at the Georgia Association for Pupil Transportation (GAPT)

Daniel Spears, Director of Transportation, Madison County Schools (Ala.)

Buttons Cheely, Customer Success Specialist, TransAct

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