Virginia lawmaker focuses on fix for outdated schools

Franklin County Sen. Bill Stanley chairs a subcommittee that will recommend a statewide bond referendum that could raise up to $4 billion for school modernization. The panel will support legislation that would determine who is first in line for funding. Another bill would help communities with public private partnerships that could make school construction more affordable.

Franklin County Sen. Bill Stanley knew the challenges that rural communities and urban areas were facing, but his tour of outdated schools across the Commonwealth revealed a statewide story.

“We went to southwest Virginia. We went to Norfolk. And then we went up to northern Virginia,” Stanley told WDBJ7. “And we were surprised that we actually found schools in northern Virginia that were suffering in the same ways they were suffering down in southwest Virginia.

Stanley chairs a subcommittee that will recommend a statewide bond referendum that could raise up to $4 billion for school modernization. The panel will support legislation that would determine who is first in line for funding. Another bill would help communities with public private partnerships that could make school construction more affordable.


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