New book offers deep insights in supporting students in foster care

Every school system includes students in foster care and is mandated by federal law to meet their needs.

Understanding Federal Education Requirements for Students in Foster Care provides educators information to grasp federal education law protections and related provisions.

Signed into law Dec. 10, 2015, the Every Student Succeeds Act reauthorized the Elementary and Secondary Education Act to ensure protections for vulnerable children and youths in foster care. These include school stability and transportation, mandatory data reporting, and agency collaboration. The book delves into how such legal protections should be applied in support of students in foster care with express coverage of:

– The foster care system.
– ESSA requirements for students in foster care.
– The unique needs of students in foster care.
– Trauma (childhood trauma).
– Who can act as a parent?
– Behavior and discipline.
– Transition to adulthood.
– Policy problems and policy development.

This new resource also covers childhood trauma and whether a foster care child should be evaluated for special education or other supports. It addresses school policies that can hinder foster student progress, summarizes applicable non-education laws, and describes how practitioners can work with and negotiate with child welfare agencies.

Understanding Federal Education Requirements for Students in Foster is available for purchase from LRP Publications’ online store.

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