K12 learning: Keeping Students Safe Every Day

Other books: Leveraging leadership, learning without classrooms and restoring curiosity

Keeping Students Safe Every Day: How to Prepare for and Respond to School Violence, Natural Disasters, and Other Hazards


This guide provides insight on creating emergency operations plans that follow government guidelines and best practices, such as ways to decentralize authority and responsibility during a crisis. Keeping Students Safe Every Day teaches school leadership how to distinguish between three levels of lockdown, and to assess threats and vulnerabilities. School safety experts Amy Klinger and Amanda Klinger also guide leaders in planning for short- and long-term recovery following an incident. Co-author Amanda Klinger is featured in this month’s On Topic on page 12.


Leverage Leadership 2.0: A Practical Guide to Building Exceptional Schools

Jossey-Bass, A Wiley brand

Leverage Leadership 2.0 includes the observations of over 20,000 school leaders to answer the question: What do great school leaders do that separates them from the rest? This resource features real-life success stories that showcase effective leadership and techniques that administrators can replicate in their own schools. The book also provides updated professional development materials, including rubrics, calendars and a DVD featuring over 30 videos.


Learning Without Classrooms: Visionary Designs for Secondary Schools

Solution Tree

Learning Without Classrooms examines several strategies to support personalized learning by addressing school management issues such as facilities, funding, instruction, technology, time and community. The authors show how tech tools can change classroom instruction and be used to teach students the skills needed to succeed in the modern world. They also discuss the structure behind an advisory-based concept for school management and detail seven designs for renovating schools to support personalized learning.


Out of Curiosity: Restoring the Power of Hungry Minds for Better Schools, Workplaces, and Lives

McRel International

This book delves into how curiosity can be cultivated intentionally to prime the pump for learning and create more engaged students. By examining how curiosity forms and how it’s nurtured, educators can develop questions that break away from traditional “boring” instruction to create an environment of inspired learning. The authors share guiding principles, research findings, thought-provoking questions and personal reflections to guide teachers through new shifts in pedagogy.


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