How one K-12 district uses e-portfolios to showcase student skills

North Bend School District's e-portfolio initiative showcases skills for success, including digital-age literacy, inventive thinking, effective communication and high productivity.

In Oregon, North Bend School District‘s e-portfolio initiative showcases identified skills for success, including digital-age literacy, inventive thinking, effective communication and high productivity.

Each e-portfolio features three skills for each middle-school grade level, with two pieces of work chosen for each category. Students use Google Suite programs, presentation software and other tools to showcase their goals and projects. They also reflect on the issues they faced during each task, in addition to the lessons and skills they learned.

Language arts teachers spearhead and grade the work, and team with colleagues to integrate math, science and other subject areas.

E-portfolio projects can be cross-disciplinary, such as a band performance video next to a science project, in which both identify digital and accuracy skills. One seventh-grade student recently highlighted his accelerated reader accomplishments and Lego car motion lab experiments for his technological literacy component.

The e-portfolio initiative culminates in a spring semester digital presentation to a parent or guardian. The student shares how they reached their e-portfolio goals, challenges and triumphs, and improved skills. Parents enjoy seeing how the students successfully navigate technology, as well as collect and display their work, according to middle school language arts teachers Barbara Becker and Woodland Hood.

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